
Karate Scotland Courses for Coaches

Karate Scotland Courses for Coaches

Karate Scotland have a series of courses in November covering Periods and Karate, Emergency First Aid and Child Protection.

The Periods and Karate coaching workshop will enable coaches (and those training to become coaches) to understand how periods (menstruation) can impact karate practitioners experiences and provide some solutions to support menstruating practitioners. The workshop will be held at the University of the West of Scotland Lanarkshire campus, on Friday 15th November 2024 from 6:30pm - 8:30pm.

The Emergency First Aid course will be help on Sunday 17th November 2024 at The Dakota Hotel Eurocentral Motherwell.

The Child Wellbeing & Protection in Sport module 2 workshop to be held at the Dakota Hotel Eurocentral, Motherwell on Friday 22nd November 2024.

Please contact Paul if you wish to register.